Creepy Crunch Halloween Snack Mix + FREE Printable Tags

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Creepy Crunch Halloween Snack Mix

When I was cruising the aisles at the dollar store last week, 5 little plastic cauldrons somehow ended up in my cart. I had no idea what I was going to use them for, but I knew that if they came home with me, I could probably come up with something. Candy Bars (as in, table with candy to mix and match, not bars of chocolate) are all the rage for parties, weddings and other social gatherings.  I grabbed some common snack foods (and candy corn!) and gave them some Halloween-inspired names for this silly snack mix.

Creepy Crunch Halloween Snack Mix
Creepy Crunch Recipe

To make Creepy Crunch Halloween Snack Mix, you will need:

Bowls or cauldrons
Free Creepy Crunch Halloween Snack Mix Printables
Mini Marshmallows
Candy Corn
Rice Chex
Chocolate Chips
Pretzel Sticks
Lollipop Sticks

You can grab our printable tags right here. Simply enter your email address in the box and opt-in to receive our free newsletter.  Check your inbox for this printable, which you will receive as a subscriber bonus.  Note: these are for personal use only.

How I displayed our snack mix:

1. Use a different bowl for each food item.

2. Tape each snack sign to a lollipop stick and place it in the corresponding container.

Creepy Crunch

3. If you were going to pre-bag this snack mix, you can use this “ingredient list” and put it inside the treat bag or staple it to the outside.

Creepy Crunch Halloween Snack Mix

The kids thought that this snack bar was hilarious and it would definitely make a fun (and easy!) addition to your Halloween dessert table!

Candy Corn

Rice Chex

Pretzel Sticks

Mini Marshmallows

Chocolate Chips


Creepy Crunch Halloween Snack Mix

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