The Secret Trick to EXPLODING Your Facebook Page and Going Viral

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How to Go Viral on Facebook

Occasionally I love to take a break from my regular posts and get down and dirty with a blogging and/or Facebook how-to post.  I know that many of you out there have blogs of your own and/or Facebook fan pages and/or Facebook groups.  In an online world that is literally changing by the minute, it can be so hard to keep up with the current trends and stay on top of SEO and algorithm changes.  Trust me, I get it!  I have been doing this “blogging thing” for a solid EIGHT years now and I can tell you that I am right here in the trenches next to you.  I am always trying to figure out the latest Facebook algorithm change or Google SEO technique.  Earlier this year I wrote a detailed post where I spelled out exactly how I make money blogging.

Today I have another incredible resource to share with you.  This one is for those of you who have (or are thinking of starting) a Facebook fan page and you would like to see BIG numbers of likes and maybe, JUST MAYBE, learn how the heck to get a post on Facebook to go viral.  I’ll the first one to admit it – I truly always thought that getting a Facebook page to go viral was just pure luck.  And while, yes, sometimes it does seem that a post will be sprinkled with that magical Facebook fairy dust and take off, I am here to tell you that there is actually an incredible Facebook course and its sole purpose is to teach you how to explode your Facebook page.  (Yes, I have taken the course and I continue to review the material, put the tips and tricks into practice, and utilize the Facebook group.)  THIS COURSE HAS TAUGHT ME HOW TO USE FACEBOOK MORE EFFECTIVELY THAN I HAVE LEARNED ON MY OWN IN OVER 8.5 YEARS!!!  The course is REALLY TRULY that great.  On the Mama Cheaps Facebook page I have been using the things I have learned to grow and increase engagement.  I have started several new pages to play around with as well.

When it comes to growing my Facebook pages, there are many times that I just feel so STUCK at my current numbers!  It seems that no matter how I mix it up, the likes are just stagnant.  They trickle in here and there, but nothing consistent, no viral posts.

Then something BIG happened…

I went through Rachel Miller’s Facebook Growth Strategies course that helps page owners grow MASSIVE audiences.

And let me tell you… My results have been nothing short of AMAZING.

I have gained new followers, have learned how to increase my organic reach, have learned how to target specific audiences with Facebook ads and so much more.  I have also been able to find incredible support and community in the course Facebook group.

I don’t even want to think of where I’d be without Rachel & FGS… Well, I guess I’d still be stuck!

Real Results

I have had a bunch of posts take off for me while using specific techniques that I learned in this course.  I was able to get one of my videos to reach just a hair under a quarter million people with more than 87,000 video views.  Prior to this, my average videos had about 5,000 views before petering out on the organic reach.

Happy Hour Roulette FB

Then I had my first viral meme.  I was cleaning out my pantry and found some of my mom’s old dishes.  I snapped a pic, turned it into a meme and away it went.  This viral meme has reached more than half a million people ORGANICALLY!!

Dishes Meme

That’s why I had to share this with you…

Do you want to grow a Facebook page? Do you want to know how real FB pages (like mine) have achieved incredible results?

If so, here are 3 pages that Rachel created, all in different niches:

QuirkyMomma (built it to over 2+ million fans)
OneCrazyHouse (built to over 500K in 18 months)
CrazyCatLady (built to 51,304 in just four months – with $5 a day in ad spend)

And here’s the best part…

These Facebook pages are all profitable… a real source of income! That’s why I want to encourage you to…

Enroll here and explode your audience today

Join me inside!  (But don’t wait too long – enrollment will only be open between 5/7 – 5/10/18. 

P.S. It’s AMAZING to see how these strategies can be applied to any niche. Click here to get on the waitlist so you can grow your audience like I did.


How to Go Viral on Facebook

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