Easy Chocolate Dipped Wafers for Valentine’s Day

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Chocolate Dipped Wafers

I have a super simple giftable snackable recipe for you that will make you “Oooo” and “Ahhh” over the sheer cuteness!  Supplies required are very minimal and you can make up a batch of these treats in less than an hour.  Chocolate Dipped Wafers make great gifts and you can change the look for different holidays and themes simply by swapping chocolate and sprinkle colors.

To make these treats you will need:

Wafers and Chocolate

How to make:

1. Melt chocolate per the product’s instructions.

Pink Melted Chocolate

2. Dip one wafer at a time into the chocolate, swirling it around until about half of the wafer is coated.

Wafer Dipped in Chocolate

3. Hold wafer over a plate and drop some sprinkles over each side.  Repeat until you are out of wafers and/or chocolate.  Allow chocolate to harden before serving or wrapping up for gifts (I usually pop mine in the refrigerator for a few minutes to quicken this step).

Valentine Chocolate Wafers


Chocolate Covered Wafers

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