Ninja Coffee Bar Glass Carafe System Review from a Professed Coffee Snob

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This post is sponsored by SharkNinja.  We received a product sample in order to facilitate this review.  No compensation was received.  All opinions are 100% our own.


I don’t just like coffee.

I don’t just need coffee.

I am actually crazy in love with coffee and I don’t have time in my life to waste on a poorly brewed cup of Joe.  

Here’s a true story:  Last Spring we were on our way home from Lily’s dance recital.  I needed a decent iced coffee.  I was weary and exhausted from weeping happy proud tears while watching my little ballerina. The show was also 3 hours long and I was drained of all energy. If there had been a Starbucks within a 10 mile radius, we would have just driven there.  Yes, I am willing to pay a little more money for consistency and quality.  We stopped at a popular fast food restaurant and I ordered “1 large iced coffee, no sugar, very light cream.”  We received a coffee with so much cream, it was nearly white.  I figured I could try to drink it and deal with the taste, as by this time the drive thru line AND the line inside were so long, I wasn’t going to wait to exchange it.  I took one sip and nearly spit it back out, it was THAT bad.  20 minutes later we passed a second fast food restaurant.  This one specializes in COFFEE and donuts.  I ordered the same exact drink, throwing my first iced coffee in their trash can as I walked in the door.  The cream coloring looked about right when they handed it to me. I got back in the car and we jumped back on the turnpike just as I took my first sip.  SO MUCH SUGAR!!!!  I don’t like ANY sugar in my coffee, but can deal with a tiny amount.  I swear they filled my cup halfway with sugar.  HORRIBLE!

If you’re keeping track, that’s now TWO total crap coffees out of 2 restaurants.  My sister had graciously agreed to watch Landon during Lily’s recital so we were almost at her house when we finally passed a Starbucks and I got my not-so-difficult order in my hand.

I tell you that slightly long-winded story for 2 reasons: 1) To prove that I truly care about the taste quality of a cup of coffee and 2) So that you understand the depth of my excitement over finding a product that makes one HECK of a latte (or coffee) in my OWN HOME!

That’s right.  I’d like you all to meet my brand new Ninja Coffee Bar Glass Carafe System.  This machine now takes up some prime real estate on my counter and believe me when I tell you that it is WELL-deserved.  I spent the last, oh, 8ish years owning one of those “single cup coffee brewers” that EVERYONE seems to have.  They were exciting – very quick, convenient, lots of flavor options, etc.  But their “cups” were also very pricey compared to buying ground or whole bean bags of coffee and I wasn’t convinced that the quality rivaled the local coffee shop.  Even so, it was very hard for me to even consider trading that brewer for a Ninja, even though I was hearing fabulous things about the them.

The Ninja Coffee Bar Glass Carafe System makes some big claims.  It brews single cups, XL cups, travel cups, XL tumblers, half carafe, whole carafe, iced coffee and even specialty beverages like a latte.  Let’s take a look at this machine out of the box.


I love the black + stainless look.  Right away you’ll notice the large removable water reservoir which is easy to fill up and rinse out.  The brewer has a timer feature so you can set up your coffee the night before and have a freshly brewed carafe waiting for you in the morning.  Underneath the carafe is a warming plate which will keep your coffee warm for hours (though my coffee is usually consumed way too quickly to use that feature)!

Here’s a slightly closer look – notice how many options there are to get the exact brew you’d like!


Not only does this brewer make an EXCELLENT cup of coffee or latte (hot OR iced, both are delicious), but take a look at the side of the machine for two of my favorite features!  The swing-out frother works GREAT and is easy to use.  It pops off easily to be washed and when it’s not in use, simply tuck it the arm back on the side of the machine.  ALSO!  Check out the handy little measuring spoon and its holder!  It’s always right where I need it – no more fumbling around in the junk drawer or in the coffee can.


I have made some excellent milk foam using whole milk, skim milk, even almond milk.  To get a great tasting latte, I use 2 large scoops of ground espresso beans.  I brew a cup on the “specialty” setting.  While that brews, I microwave 1/2 cup of milk for 1 minute and froth it for about 30 seconds.

The brewer finishes up and I pour the foam on top.  O.M.G.


We are talking coffee shop quality in my very own kitchen!  I have been enjoying an afternoon latte most days over the last few weeks and am seriously in heaven!

I never thought I would be able to part with my “other” brewer, but I’m here to tell you: I am a total convert.  I love my Ninja Coffee Bar Glass Carafe System!!  I highly recommend this product for any serious coffee lovers out there.  I’ll be stocking up on more holiday blend espresso beans this year after the holidays to enjoy all year long with my Ninja!

You can purchase a Ninja Coffee Bar Glass Carafe System at retailers nationwide and I will have my eye out for any great deals that pop up, so be ready!

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