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A quick summary of the majority of my mornings:
Wake up. Fumble for laptop which I left somewhere near the bottom of my bed. Aim for 45 minutes to an hour of work before the little hellions wake up. Wade through some emails, get some deals posted. Baby wakes. Diaper, clean outfit, bottle. Somewhere in that time period Lily wakes. Guide her through getting dressing, brushing teeth, making herself some toast or a waffle for breakfast while I finish up with the baby. Throw clothes on myself. Lily gets her jacket and backpack on while I get Landon in his car seat, bundled up and we race out the door usually with about 30 seconds to spare and arrive at preschool at 9 am. More like 9:02. Anyway.
On most days, there just aren’t enough minutes in my morning to MAKE breakfast. IF I’m going to get breakfast, it has to be a QUICK, eat-on-the-run type of meal. And when that happens, my quick choices aren’t always the healthiest.
Enter the freezer meal breakfast.
I have been trying out several different recipes and versions of egg muffins and burritos. By far, one of my very favorites have been these breakfast burritos. You can make a huge batch of them, throw them in the freezer and even on the most hectic of days, eat a tasty, filling breakfast while racing out the door.
Makes: 16 burritos
You will need:
- 4 Cups Egg Beaters (If you’re not a fan of Egg Beaters, you could certainly substitute a dozen eggs.)
- 1/2 lb chicken sausage, cooked
- 1 Cup salsa (you can use less if you want to cut the salsa taste a bit)
- 1/2 Cup shredded cheddar cheese
- 16 tortilla wraps

How to make:
- In a large skillet, spray non-stick cooking spray and on medium heat, scramble the Egg Beaters.
- Add sausage, salsa and cheese. Cook until the cheese has melted and all ingredients are heated through.
- At this point, I remove the ingredients from the stove and throw them in a colander to drain away the excess juice from the salsa.
- Place in a bowl and let cool. I stick mine in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
- Once your ingredients are cool, you’re ready to assemble the burritos.
- Lay out all of your tortillas.
- To make sure the filling is divided as evenly as possible, I started by putting 1/4 Cup of the filling on each tortilla. Then I take the remaining ingredients and divide among the tortillas.
- Roll the tortillas up burrito style.
- Wrap with saran wrap.
- Place all burritos into a large (gallon) freezer bag. Label the outside of the bag to you’ll know what is inside. I also like to write cooking instructions on freezer meal bags.
- To serve: I have found two options that work best.
The night before – pull burrito out of freezer and place in refrigerator overnight. In the morning, remove plastic wrap, wrap in a paper towel, and microwave for 1 minute.
That morning – pull burrito out of freezer and remove plastic wrap. Wrap in a paper towel and microwave for 1 minute. Let sit another minute or two (this distributes the heat evenly and keeps the ends of your burrito from getting hard). Microwave for 1 more minute. Enjoy!
Tip to keep it hotter longer – on those mornings when you just need to GET MOVING AND GET OUT OF THE HOUSE and you don’t even have a minute to gobble down your food, microwave your burrito and wrap it in a piece of aluminum foil. Throw it in your purse (or for me it goes in the pocket of my hoodie), drive the kid to school, drop them off. Even after all that time, it will still be warm!

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